Kambo Practitioner Collective

A global collective of experienced, like-minded, like-hearted practitioners.

Safe-guarding the medicine.

Mentoring the next generation of carriers.

Setting a standard.

Be a part of a movement to set higher standards in the global field of Kambo. Embrace the journey of personal growth, facilitator knowledge, and transformation in service as we pave the way for the next wave of practitioners through heart-led leadership and indigenous cultural preservation.

The future of Kambo requires practitioners to operate under a more unified moral compass.

When we align our lives and service with core values, we can protect and transform Kambo culture by aligning leadership and ecological consideration for the preservation of indigenous culture and inherently the wellbeing of everything on the planet.

Itโ€™s time for us to step forward.

Itโ€™s time we set a high standard in the field.

Our Mission

Our mission is to honor and uplift the indigenous culture and tradition of Kambo, recognizing it as a vital source of knowledge and resilience applicable to supporting the Western worldโ€™s need to return to Nature.

We are laying a foundation of the most highly qualified and experienced practitioners learning at the intersection where western world educational standards meets trainings with Indigenous elders to provide the most knowledgeable and deeply experienced facilitators.

We safeguard indigenous wisdom by maintaining direct relations with our teachers and integrating it into our service, trainings and leadership practices.

Through our advocacy for fair and balanced collaborations with indigenous communities, we strive for a more just and sustainable future where everyone can thrive in harmony with the natural world.

Join us in stewarding Kambo, ensuring its safety, sustainability, ethical sourcing, and accessibility.

Learn more about our diverse practitioner network around the world.

  • The vision of the Collective begins with long-term, seasoned facilitators as our ground, slowly opening to those practitioners we see potential in as respectable carriers who may need guidance or mentorship.

  • The medicine carriers in the Kambo Practitioner Collective see the accelerated speed at which the medicine world is progressing, and we aim to be a solid foundation of practitioners around the world who embody authentic understanding, and are living integration of the medicine while maintaining longterm direct relations with the medicine and itsโ€™ indigenous carriers. As we see new stewards coming in, we are extend a hand to shepherd and guide a new generation of carriers in their service with honesty, integrity and right relations.

  • We are a private network of seasoned Kambo practitioners from various backgrounds, bonded in a dynamic but unified international collective.

    The intention of our Collective encompasses a multifaceted vision for the future of the field: safeguarding and gatekeeping the sacred medicine, ensuring the longevity and sustainability of Phyllomedusa Bicolor population, supporting relations with indigenous groups, upholding ethical standards as stewards, curating authentic, extensive trainings, jungle experiences to meet the frog and indigenous teachers, and sharing opportunities for facilitators to gather and learn together.

  • Portugal - September 21-28, 2024.

    We invite you to join us for the first ever Kambo Practitionerโ€™s gathering. By practitioners, for practitioners - we gather as equals from different backgrounds to come together and unify a vision of a sustainable and safe future for Kambo.

  • Safety. Integrity. Honesty. Trustworthiness. Responsibility. Reputability. Groundedness. Non-dogmatism. Right Relations. Reciprocity. Authenticity. Respect.

The Kambo frog population isn't threatened yet, but many frogs are sick or over-harvested, and there's a concerning trend of online ordering from unknown sources.

To ensure Kambo remains sustainable, accessible, and culturally respected, it's time to align our hearts with ethical practices.

We are here to guide the way.