Is Kambo psychedelic?

is Kambo a psychedelic? 🐸

Kambo, in its essence, is not considered a classic psych*delic like aya, psil0cybin, or toad. It doesn't typically induce vivid visual hallucinations or take you on a journey to other realms as these other medicines might.

However, Kambo is a profound and transformational medicine in its own right. It can evoke powerful physical and emotional responses and experiences.

During a ceremony, you may indeed enter heightened states of consciousness, but they are often more centered around being in the present moment and focused on the body and the breath. Pure awareness of somatic sensation is an expanded state of consciousness. 🤯

People have reported a wide range of experiences, “life-changing” for many: increased mental clarity, accumulated emotional release, self-realizations that had been buried, a profound connection with nature, an expanded sense of connection to true self, a spiritual awakening from within the body, and peace/calm inside the mind.

It's as if Kambo opens a door to the inner landscape of your being, allowing you to explore your own depths, release what no longer serves your highest evolution and create space to start fresh with a clean slate inviting in the energy that fuels our growth and expansion. ✨

So, while Kambo may not be a classic psychedelic, it can be a deeply transformative and sometimes visionary journey within. Each person's experience is unique - the best way to understand Kambo's effects is to experience it for yourself! 🐸🌿✨


The Purge Comes in Many Forms