Kambo is neither a poison nor a venom

The Kambo frog hosts this intelligent secretion for a few reasons: as a sunscreen, as an antimicrobial and anti-fungal, and potentially a defense mechanism, not as an offensive weapon. This secretion is rich in peptides, which are short chains of amino acids. What makes these peptides so remarkable is that our human bodies recognize them, almost as if they speak the same language. When Kambo is applied to the skin, it initiates a profound dialogue with our systems.

Kambo doesn't harm us; instead, it encourages our bodies to do what they do best – heal. It's like a gentle nudge, reminding our immune system to stand vigilant, our detoxification processes to purge toxins, and our cells to harmonize and rejuvenate. Kambo acts as a catalyst, awakening our inner physician.


The Science Behind Kambo